SmartPTT Enterprise

All-In-One Dispatch Solution
Voice dispatch and data application for use with Motorola Solutions MOTOTRBO radio systems.
Simplex (analog or digital)
IP Site Connect (wide area time slots only)
SmartPTT Enterprise provides voice dispatching, voice recording, emergency management, radio location, job ticketing, texting, and more in a single software. This helps reduce ownership and maintenance costs.
Voice Dispatch
Emergency Management
Voice and Event Log
GPS Location
Indoor Location
Mobile Application
☑ Customizable user interface to fit your needs
☑ Communicate quickly and efficiently with all radios, groups of radios, or individual radios
☑ Know the location (indoors or outdoors) of a radio user to provide faster response times during an emergency
☑ Monitor the progress of assigned tasks through to completion to ensure tasks are done timely and accurately
☑ Employee accountability using voice/event logs and reports
☑ Labour and maintenance cost savings by efficiently assigning work tasks
Release Announcement
The new release of SmartPTT Enterprise is now available. It brings greater stability with a new architecture, some customer requested features, and multiple enhancements.
64-Bit Architecture: SmartPTT Enterprise 9.12 is the first version supporting x64. Users will experience greater stability of the product, increased capacity, and performance. The product introduces a smooth upgrade procedure for customers with no loss of data.
Immediate Crosspatching: This new feature provides immediate turning on and turning off for crosspatch groups even if traffic is present. This capability is vital for medium and high traffic systems. This mode of operation is configurable on a per-profile basis. If the feature is disable, patch groups can only be enabled/disabled if no calls are active on the channel. This mode is preserved for backward compatibility and those customers, who need protection mechanisms from accidental disabling of crosspatches.
Voice Notification Enhancements: SmartPTT introduces multiple enhancements to the voice notification feature. Since they are often used to deliver emergency announcements, we’ve made them TX interrupt capable. Voice notifications now can be queued and waiting for at least one target to be available. Also, they are logged as a dedicated type of event with more additional information (delivery status, number of attempts, number of successful deliveries, etc.). For details, please refer to the SmartPTT customer documentation.
Cyber Security Enhancement: In SmartPTT Enterprise 9.12, new security enhancements are introduced. We’ve implemented password policies for the Admin and Dispatcher accounts (password length and complexity), increased the protection for passwords and secure keys in the configuration, and made some other security enhancements. If customers need to change the default policies, they should contact Technical Support.
OVCM Calls Encode: SmartPTT provides the ability for operators to make OVCM (Open Voice Channel Mode) calls. At this, voice calls are heard by subscribers who do not have a group in its Receive List. This is to reach more subscribers when help is really needed. For now, this is implemented as a system-wide feature (for IP Site Connect) only.
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